
This is a blog where i will tell you about all the creativeness of stuff i like and of creative stuff in my life.... Enjoy!

Monday 2 May 2011

Stuff to know...

Hello there,
Okay, I know I haven't written a new post in a very long time, and I want to say it's because I have nothing to write about but that would be a lie... what’s been going on:

Febuary Album Writing Month...
So I'm a singer song writers and I decided to take the advice of Jess Morgan to have a go... the idea is to write an album of 14 songs over the month, no matter how crap it had to be done. Well, I managed to get 3 done :D and I am very proud of those 3 because they actually sounded like songs!!! I would show you them but there not recorded :( I will have a go at trying to do it on my computer so you can have a hear. If anyone out there happens to be interested in song writing I suggest next year to give it a go!


Yes, I am back to doing this again: D and it feels great to be back at college writing and be all-creative again! All the people are great and it really helps you find out a lot about your writing style and how to improve in your plot developments and characterisation. In last weeks course we looked at how to find your inner writing voice and that the rawness of it gets refined with more and more practised. We were told that you shouldn't really try to write like other people but just learn from how they do it and adapt that to fit us. With this it has inspired me to be more open and individual in the way I write.


Due to the creative writing course I have decided that for the project we have to do over the 10 weeks I am going to write a MERLIN FANFCITON!!!!!!!!! I have already gotten started and am so far quite proud of what I have done. When I write the first chapter I will be sure to put it up on both here and fan fiction. Can't wait to get some response back for my work!

I have probably done much more but I can't think of anything else at the moment... Oh, and I have added a new fan fiction suggestion up so have a look when you have time. :D