
This is a blog where i will tell you about all the creativeness of stuff i like and of creative stuff in my life.... Enjoy!

Saturday 31 July 2010


I have just finished reading the 'sookie stackhouse series', or otherwise known as the the TV series 'trueblood'. I have to say that both these are AMAZING!!!!

The series is very different to the books, but i like it's twists on the plot line. The books are all about sookie and always in sookies point of view, when in the series it is from many different peoples. The series is very steamy and although the book is to, it is not half as bad. But dont get me wrong, i like a bit of lemons, just not crazy for it.

Anyway, i have been reading 10 books for the last 2 months, and though it usally takes me about 3-4 weeks to read about 10 books, i decided to take it slow. i found that when i take a book slower i tend to get more out of it and so when i have finished i do not morn for more.

Reading this series has made me want to find more books, and in my wild search on the internet i found this site that has really got me going. It is a bit like a book club, but with much more freedom and range in books.

have a look on my page and have a look at some trueblood videos on youtube.


Thursday 29 July 2010

New Songs

I have just writen this new song i am very proud of, and it was all because of this new artist my guitar teacher suggested this singer-song writer who proforms where he lives. She isnt exactly famous but she is amzing, and i enjoy her music an incredabe ammount.

Her name is Jess Morgan and if you could, have a listen to her music...
the link is at the bottem of the post (hopefully).

...also, my writer block seems to be letting up a tiny bit, but i still can't make anything work!!!!
