
This is a blog where i will tell you about all the creativeness of stuff i like and of creative stuff in my life.... Enjoy!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Harry Potter and the Mortality of Time

Hey guys,

So, this is where you need to come if you want to know what's happening with updates for my harry potter fanfiction 'Harry Potter and the Mortality of Time'. I started this fanfiction for NaNoWriMo but I gave up after 14,000 words, but that does mean that I have got a start on the Fanfiction. I have written four chapters so far and am going to up load one a week for four weeks. After that I'll upload at least once a month. If you want to have a read of the first chapter check out my page titled 'Harry Potter and the Mortality of Time' to the left hand of the screen. I have written a quick summary and warnings for my story at the beginning of the chapter and i shall now relate them back to you here.

Summary:AU. Voldermort reins supreme and Harry Potter is the last of the resistance left. In his grief he searches for a way back into the past to rewrite the wrongs and save his loved ones. Canon pairing. TimeTravel fic. Years 1-7.

Firstly, I would like you to thank you for picking my story to give a try and I hope you find what you're looking for. Here are a few facts about the story before you get started:

-No slash. Not against it but don't want to write it.

-Cannon pairings.

-It will be all 1-7 years. I have read some time travel fan fictions where they take ages to go through each year and don't end up finishing the story. I want this story to be realistic and so I only plan to write about the bits significant to the plot and also I would like to get it finished at some point in the future. You have all read Harry Potter before and so know the finer details of each of Harry's school years meaning the bits that aren't very important will be either touched very lightly or not at all. If there are certain points that you think might be interesting to see then I am open to suggestions.

-This will be over 100,000 words in the end, so you won't get bored with undescriptive scenes or poorly characterized people. If you feel that there is something that could be improved by my writing style then please make a suggestion but don't rip it out of me because, remember, this is only a hobby and harsh words are not necessary.

-I would also like to point out that I am well aware that there are 1001 harry potter time travel fan fictions out there and mine probably sounds very familiar. I wanted to have a go at writing one because I enjoyed this type of story. I will try and make it as different as I can and as the story progresses you will find that I have added in some unexpected things. Please, if you think you have read it before, don't like it or are not willing to give it a go, do not leave a review. Negative, pointless reviews can be big downers when you need inspiration to keep going.

-There might be swearing in later chapters and violent situations throughout. So just a warning now.

-I am currently at school doing exams and so they will come first to fan fiction. I will try and get a chapter out once a month at the very least but that might be difficult at times nearer to exams. You can check out my blog on my profile to find updates to what is happening with this story.

-My spelling and grammar might not be amazing and it is possible I would have missed something. If this is the case please point it out to me and I will happily change it. I have a beta,Beany123, (I love her) and so it shouldn't be too bad.

These are here to make sure no tears are shed and all are well and happy. I hope none of these offend you in anyway but please take them into consideration when reading my story. Now I just hope that you enjoy what you read. I shall post updates about what's going on with the story. If I run over a month I shall tell you my problems and solutions so that you aren't in the dark about what's going on.

Thank you and i hope you enjoy the fanfiction :D

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