
This is a blog where i will tell you about all the creativeness of stuff i like and of creative stuff in my life.... Enjoy!

Wednesday 15 December 2010

What's going on?

So, Christmas is fast approaching and I haven’t updated in quite a while. Well, here I am and this post is all about two things... how my nanowrimo went and about a site I found called FictionPress.
Okay, first with the nanowrimo... I’m not going to lie but I failed epically at the whole thing. I got to about 5 thousand words out of a possible 30 thousand and stopped. I had it all planned out, I would do 1,500 words a day and so by the time I reached the end of November then I would have it all done and even have time to spare. It didn’t work (if you hadn’t of guessed) and I failed miserably at the challenge, not managing to achieve what I wanted. So what happened was I first did about 2,00 words for a couple of days, and then about 1,000 words and then forgot to do it the next day, then was busy the next and then just didn’t do it... all it was about was finding the time and inspiration, and I just couldn’t find it. I also think it was because I am very critical about my work and so whenever I wrote something I found that it wasn’t good enough by my standards and so that kind of dragged me down. Oh well, I guess there’s always next year... and if you wanted to know what my story was supposed to be about, here is the summary...
In this world 10 days before you die a ghost will start to follow you round. Only you can see this ghost, only you can hear this ghost and only you know it is there. A young nurse, Samantha Harris, gets blamed for something she didn't do, and now she has the mafia sharpening their knifes and loading their guns, getting ready to kill her. They decide to give her 10 days to prove her innocence otherwise... But what happens when a ghost starts to follow her around?
Please tell me what you think of the synopsise...

On to other news... I have found out about a site called FictionPress. It is run by the same people who do FanFiction; the difference between the sites is, unlike FanFiction, you put up your own work. That means completely original new stories created but budding young, old, whatever writers. I would very much so like to put some of my work onto it one day, but at the moment I have no work to share that I think anyone would be interested in. There are sections for poetry, fiction, essays... EVERYTHING! I haven’t of yet started reading any but if I do I will be sure to put it on the fic recommendation page. So, keep a look out!
(BTW, if you are a fan of the BBC’s Merlin then check out the Fan fiction I have added to that page. I have just started to get into the fics and now, just like I was with twilight, I am addicted).

Goodbye for now and I will try to get some more posts written soon.



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