
This is a blog where i will tell you about all the creativeness of stuff i like and of creative stuff in my life.... Enjoy!

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Any Minute Now

Hey everyone, this is a FictionPress I have just recently done, I thought you might want to have a read and tell me what you think. The link is at the bottom of the page if you want to read it on the site and if you go into the 'My Stories' page then you can read the preface there.

Any Minute Now


My life has been lost in time since the start. I don’t know where I am from or where I am going, just that each time I die I wake up in a different place, past or future, from where I was before.

Preface - The beginning of the end

I felt my heart running fast in my chest as I turned the next corner into the next street and through the next big crowd that had gathered today to celebrate the queen’s coronation. I had been in London, England for the past 2 years, living as an honest maid and servant to a small mansion that was situated up in Mayfair. For me going 2 years without being shot, stabbed or kidnapped was anything short of a miracle and I have enjoyed living in peace and tranquillity with genuine friends and a real job.

Any who, it was fun while it lasted and I had had a good run living quiet for a while but my past, or I guess you could say future, caught up with me as it has done many times before. I have yet to learn why I have always got a big mafia looking gang chasing after me and wanting my head everywhere I go. It is always such trouble having to hide out so thoroughly all the time, but I have to say at least it keeps me on my toes. Where ever I am, where ever I go, there is always someone who doesn’t like me and doesn’t want me in there era, which would be fine with me if they didn’t make such a fuss about it all.

You see, there are some people who know about my particular ‘gifts’ and don’t like me because of it and think I am a threat to their very being, which makes no sense as I have never threatened or killed anyone... yet. See, this is the problem with being a time traveller, you never know what you’ve done and so when people try to confront you about it you end up apologizing about things you haven’t even done....yet.

“I’m sorry, excuse me,” I said to the people in the street, giving them my utmost apologizes and then running as far as I could until the next gathering of squealing children or gossiping mothers. This was rather easy for me, dodging in and out of crowds as when you have been chased as many times as I have, you tend to pick up a thing or two. Luck was also on my side in the fact that the men who were following after me were great big brutes and so crowd dodging was, I’m guessing, not one of their specialities.

“Got you,” I heard a deep voice from behind me. Well, serves me right for being so arrogant, guess you can crowd dodge, and with this thought I ducked down and crawled under the table that had been so perfectly placed a few feet to my right. You can imagine it, cant you? This beautifully coloured street, full of people on the sunny afternoon of June 2nd, 1953. Just picture the tables and tables lined up against each other on the small council estate, and all the effort that was put in by the community, by every hand that was available so to hang the bangers and balloons. There are drinks and smiles and laughter and joy in every direction as the women talk about how lovely the queen’s dress was, and how the men bragged about being able to get the TV working, after spend hours the night before trying to figure out the bloody thing. Then picture me, oh so sweet innocent me, just come out of work still wearing my maid outfit and a messy bun coming loose as I legged it as far away from the big scary men wanting to kill me as I could, and now as I crawled on my hands and knees though spilt drinks and discarded cakes that had been kicked under the table. Lovely thought, is it not?

As I reached the end of the row of tables I quickly got up from where I was hidden and without even looking back made my way as far away from the men as I could, who were still – hopefully - caught up in the crowds. I saw a huge green just over the road from where I was now, and seeing there was a collective of tree on the other side, decided that was where I should head. Isn’t it funny that when in such times of desperation to preserve your own life, you think of the funniest things to do that make no sense and in doing these things will end up resulting in your immediate death?

The fact with me is that when I die I still live on in a different time zone and so death shouldn’t be such a scary thing for me, knowing I am going to just wake up again when my life ends in this era. But you don’t understand, having to go through death as many times as I have is something horrific as death is not as simple as it might seem, well it may be for everyone else but not for me. Every time I die I feel everything just shutting down and slowly ending, and there is a split second of nothingness. This feeling of nothingness is not relaxing like sleep but fearful like the dark, and in it you don’t know what could come and take you away. Fortunately this feeling lasts for hardly a second and in the next moment I am in some random time, no idea where on the planet I am.

As I ran across this wide open space of grass, I asked myself with utter confusion why I had chosen a wide open space to run across and wondered how hiding in bushes would help me in the slightest. These thoughts, however, didn’t stop me or slow me down. I knew what was to come and, like always the same thoughts crossed my mind, any minute now, any minute now. I ran, hearing to my heart beat speed up and listening out for the tell tale sign of the bang that I knew would be coming soon, but I didn’t hear anything, just a sharp pain in the back of my head and then nothing.


I hoped you enjoyed my first attempt at putting something up on fictionpress. It is something that has been mulling around in my head for a while and I figured that this was an ideal place to put it.
I have much more of this story to come and I very much hope you follow me though this journey. I do not wish to give anything away but there will be romance and angst throughout.
This is mostly just a taste of what is to come but I shall very soon get cracking on what to do next. I am aiming to make this a to be a short story, maybe of around 10 chapters, but then again you know how you can either run away with the story or if writers block takes its toll. Chapters will be considerably longer then this in future so please don’t like the shortness of the preface put you off. Please tell me what you think of my writing and where you think this story should go. If you have any ideas please don’t be shy... so please review :)


Wednesday 15 December 2010

What's going on?

So, Christmas is fast approaching and I haven’t updated in quite a while. Well, here I am and this post is all about two things... how my nanowrimo went and about a site I found called FictionPress.
Okay, first with the nanowrimo... I’m not going to lie but I failed epically at the whole thing. I got to about 5 thousand words out of a possible 30 thousand and stopped. I had it all planned out, I would do 1,500 words a day and so by the time I reached the end of November then I would have it all done and even have time to spare. It didn’t work (if you hadn’t of guessed) and I failed miserably at the challenge, not managing to achieve what I wanted. So what happened was I first did about 2,00 words for a couple of days, and then about 1,000 words and then forgot to do it the next day, then was busy the next and then just didn’t do it... all it was about was finding the time and inspiration, and I just couldn’t find it. I also think it was because I am very critical about my work and so whenever I wrote something I found that it wasn’t good enough by my standards and so that kind of dragged me down. Oh well, I guess there’s always next year... and if you wanted to know what my story was supposed to be about, here is the summary...
In this world 10 days before you die a ghost will start to follow you round. Only you can see this ghost, only you can hear this ghost and only you know it is there. A young nurse, Samantha Harris, gets blamed for something she didn't do, and now she has the mafia sharpening their knifes and loading their guns, getting ready to kill her. They decide to give her 10 days to prove her innocence otherwise... But what happens when a ghost starts to follow her around?
Please tell me what you think of the synopsise...

On to other news... I have found out about a site called FictionPress. It is run by the same people who do FanFiction; the difference between the sites is, unlike FanFiction, you put up your own work. That means completely original new stories created but budding young, old, whatever writers. I would very much so like to put some of my work onto it one day, but at the moment I have no work to share that I think anyone would be interested in. There are sections for poetry, fiction, essays... EVERYTHING! I haven’t of yet started reading any but if I do I will be sure to put it on the fic recommendation page. So, keep a look out!
(BTW, if you are a fan of the BBC’s Merlin then check out the Fan fiction I have added to that page. I have just started to get into the fics and now, just like I was with twilight, I am addicted).

Goodbye for now and I will try to get some more posts written soon.



Tuesday 2 November 2010


National Novel Writing Month

Hey all,
I am taking part in something called national novel writing month. To anyone reading this who doesn’t know what this is, it means that within one month, from the 1st to the 30th of November, you have to write 50,000 words of a novel. To anyone who does know what this is and are having a go please add me to your 'Buddies' list - the link at the bottom of the page is to my profile.
Please, I really suggest that you have a go at doing it yourself, especially if you are a writer at all, or if you are stuck with 'writers block'. This task gives you a chance to just let lose all your ideas, because the whole thing is not about quality, but quantity! You make yourself write as much as you can and, frankly, write a load of crap most of the time.
This is my first year doing this but I am already stuck in it! I just can't stop. I have thousands of ideas but never anytime or motivation to do it, also I have a tendency to be very pressure about every single little word and so this makes it so I don’t do that :)
Anyway, I am now going to head off and start writing my book type thing. I have set a target for myself to write 2,000 words a day and have already failed, need to get working :)

Tartar then.

(P.S. check out the link)


Saturday 23 October 2010

We are young - by Mika

Hey everyone,
You might not of known but I am a HUGE Mika fan, I think he is frankly awsome. Anyway, I havent attually seen 'Kick Ass' but i really want to. So this is his song he wrote for the film. I love the video and the song is just fantastic. I have had it in my head all day and just keep listening to it over and over...
Anyhow, have a listen and tell me what you think. Click on the link below or watch it on my video bar at the side of the page.


I own nothing.

Monday 18 October 2010

Deaths Door - My entry to a contest

Deaths Door

The hanging stiletto over the eyes of the living,
The false bravado of this never ending world,
Is hiding, endearing, to those so many,
With joyous laughter and fluttering eyes.

The painting hung above the mantel,
The fire burning down bellow,
The candle resting with little interest,
A flickering life, cut out with little blows.

No one notices when the door is knocking,
No one notices the hum of long rest,
That is dropped and broken on so many occasions
That casualness is nothing, the norm, nothing less.

Light hearted chatter of final good nights,
To calm the unquenchable fear,
That lurks acutely under the edge
And angle of loved ones for ever no more.

And to hear the cries and realisation,
Of those who have passed but left behind
Their achievements and forever’s are forgotten,
When death’s door has closed on their endless time.

By kjate95 (me)

This is a poem I decided to write quite out of the blue and I am glad I did - Well, I guess not really out of the blue, but pretty random none the less. You see, there was a poetry contest on goodreads (and at the bottom there is a link to the poetry site where you can find other entry’s much better than mine), so I decided yesterday that I would put in a poem to see, you know, if I could get anywhere. I don’t expect, in the slightest, to get through as there are countless other talented poets and amazing poems up there already. But I am still glad I did it because all I did was have a go at writing a decent poems and I am pretty proud of what I did.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and click on the site and have a go yourself.


Sunday 17 October 2010

Do not stand on my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Mary Frye (1932)

When my grandmother died I read this peom out at her funeral, and now as I visit it years later it puts some thoughts of mine into perspective.

Everyone dies. You go about your life happily, looking forward to next weekend, wanting life to be big and beautiful. You live pushing yourself to be happy and strive to live life to the full, reaching your aspirations.

But really, you never really think that as each second passes you are closer to your final demise. Your born, you live and then you die, that is it. The human race looks far too deeply into what is impossible to figure out, or what simply isn’t there. But really, you never die.

Well if you were looking at it logically them, sure, your dead and you aren’t ever coming back, but what I consider life is what you leave behind. You were there but then you weren’t, but the fact that you were there in the first place, and that you will always have the fact that you were there and that did happen, brings the subject of death lighter on the heart.

This is reassuring, because it means that no matter what, when you die you will still have that little thing that was yours and nobody can ever take that away from you. Life is a very funny thing, and no matter what you do, it won’t ever stop, even when you die you keep going.

I like to think that everything is there and quietly waiting for that next chapter to be added, and it is always being made and thought about. There will be people living on after you, people you cared about and people who cared about you. You put your mark on the planet and nothing could ever take that away from you. You will never die for there will be memories of you that will, and still, hang in the air endlessly. And although memories are not enough for the ones who are left behind, you have the comfort of knowing it happened once and that can never be changed. Everybody has lived once, for a long or a short time, but then they died, as it was there time to pass on life to the next generation.

When that generation leaves, although the memory of you dies with them, it doesn’t change the fact that you still lived. You once walked this earth, breathed the air and lived a life. Everybody dies, but no one truly leaves this world.

Well, thats just what I think.

"Stories never really end...even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page."

There's the rest of the world that you come into, and the rest of the world that you leave, and the rest of the world will keep on living, and there memories and thoughts will keep on living to.

Friday 17 September 2010

Creative Writing Course

I am now attending a creative writing course and am finding it heaven on earth! I love writing with an absolute passion and now that I am surrounded by people who share this, mind is buzzing with excitement. I love meeting all these people who have such interesting stories. There are about 15-20 people in this class with me and each one of them have something to say, lots of imagination and writing skills.
We have been doing lots of exercises that are meant to free the mind, to open up new doors to the imagination. One of these is where you write down 5 things, 5 different things. You start the timer for five minutes and when pen goes to paper you aren’t aloud to stop for 5 minutes, writing about subject one. Then you go onto the next subject and, again start the timer. You do this 3 more times until you have got 5 different pieces of work.
Anyway, it was brilliant and I go every Thursday evening for 2 hours. It finishes at the end of November, but that a long way off yet so I have plenty more time left.


Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I have just finished reading this book and afterwards watched the film and here is what I think...
Although it was a rather good book it was slow at points and I stopped reading it for a while because I just got simply board with it. Yet, in truth, there are bits in it that are fantastic. For example; there is a lot of mystery in the book that isn't satisfied for until a lot further on. So there were mega boring bits and mega amazing bits... but out of everything, I have to say that the ending takes top prize.
I cried my eyes out at it, it was so, so very sad and I had to put the book down because I was crying so much. This book is very emotional and gets you right in the heart a lot of the time.
Now, in my books I prefer a bit more adventure, which I why (as well as it being incredibly slow at points) I give it a 3 star out of 5. But if you are a sucker for a hard, core romance with all the day to day life of a normal relationship but with a pretty large twist, then this is your type of book.
I did enjoy it a lot and I am walking away with a smile on my face as well as tears in my eyes.
And also, I have just watched the film which is very emotional as well. It sticks to the book as much as a film can, which is brilliant, and the actors who play the leading rolls (Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana) are perfect for it. I loved the film and recommend you to see it if you haven’t already.


Saturday 31 July 2010


I have just finished reading the 'sookie stackhouse series', or otherwise known as the the TV series 'trueblood'. I have to say that both these are AMAZING!!!!

The series is very different to the books, but i like it's twists on the plot line. The books are all about sookie and always in sookies point of view, when in the series it is from many different peoples. The series is very steamy and although the book is to, it is not half as bad. But dont get me wrong, i like a bit of lemons, just not crazy for it.

Anyway, i have been reading 10 books for the last 2 months, and though it usally takes me about 3-4 weeks to read about 10 books, i decided to take it slow. i found that when i take a book slower i tend to get more out of it and so when i have finished i do not morn for more.

Reading this series has made me want to find more books, and in my wild search on the internet i found this site that has really got me going. It is a bit like a book club, but with much more freedom and range in books.

have a look on my page and have a look at some trueblood videos on youtube.


Thursday 29 July 2010

New Songs

I have just writen this new song i am very proud of, and it was all because of this new artist my guitar teacher suggested this singer-song writer who proforms where he lives. She isnt exactly famous but she is amzing, and i enjoy her music an incredabe ammount.

Her name is Jess Morgan and if you could, have a listen to her music...
the link is at the bottem of the post (hopefully).

...also, my writer block seems to be letting up a tiny bit, but i still can't make anything work!!!!


Tuesday 15 June 2010

Writer Block

I can't figure out how I am supposed to write the next chapter of my story!! I mean, i have it all planned, i know where it is going, yet i can't seem to find the insperation on how to structure the words, or the motivation to FIND the insperation. It is reather annoying... :(

Well anyway, i will tell you when i am done Xx

Tuesday 11 May 2010

The world around me taking hold of my camera

Hey, this is my walk with my mate... I went all naturey and couldn't stop taking photos of the world around me. I think that the natural world is incredible and should really be looked after. Some of them, as you can see, are not of nature but other things I decided to capture in time,I just thought that, from a certain angle, they held some strong beauty. I get really carried away when I have a camera and so these are, in fact, a selected few out of MILLIONS of other photos I had taken. This wasn't done with one of my best cameras, but a small digital, so the next lot of photos I will give you will probably be from the nice, big camera.
The bits that I found most effective to take photos of is when I placed it on the floor, or in line with something. See what you think about those... anyway, please enjoy my over the top taking session of an average english walk :)


Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Oak Tree

This is a Poem I wrote to commemorate a tree that was cut down on which I used to play as a child. Actually it was cut down and used to fuel a bonfire on guy-forks. Anyhow, enjoy my work...

The Oak Tree

I used to be an oak tree.

Used to swing in the breeze,

And shiver in the snow,

And laugh in the sun.

I used to have a friend call Robin,

Who lived in my leaves.

He would fly away to collect his nest,

I was his home, I was his friend.

Children would play on me,

From early to late year.

They used to swing on my branches,

Hide in my roots,

Run around my trunk,

Play childhood games climbing my neck.

They would run under me,

When rain began to fall,

From winds and thunder and lightening,

So I would protect them from the storm.

I used to have a bench

At the bottom of my bark.

An old woman used to sit on it,

Share to me her feelings and thoughts.

She used to tell me all her problems

And I would listen with good grace.

And in reply for my patient ear,

She’d come back and feed the bird

Just that one-day, once every week.

One day she didn't come back,

And has never come back since,

And from there on the bench was clear,

That one-day a week.

I used to grow strong and tall,

And scatter leaves all round the park.

But one day they got tied of me

And cut down my great, mighty trunk.

Now I'm just a tree stump,

With ivy growing round my roots.

I lay next to a playground,

And look the same from June to May.

I used to be an oak tree,

I don’t do that these days.

By kjate95

I hope you like my take on an oak tree. I guess what this really shows is that people live life in the fast lanes far too much, never taking in what is really there. This tree would be a classic example of that, where to some, such as the old woman, this tree meant the world. But to others, it was just a hazard in the park, just an inconvenient obstacle in there day-to-day life.

So, yeah... Hope you like!

Sunday 2 May 2010


Hey, I guess this is my first post :)

Well, I wanted to start off my blog by telling you about my creativeness in writing. You see, I LOVE to write, it is like one of my favourite things. I am planning on writing a book, of course I know how hard it is to get anything published, but I still want to write. In my blog I will give you updates on what I am doing for my book but, at the moment, I don’t really have anything.

I write in the internet, on FanFiction, about twilight. I used to be absolutely obsessed with twilight but I got over that stage fast and now just enjoy writing different outcomes to the story. Anyway, please, if you would, read my twilight stories on FanFiction I would really love that.

OK, thanks and please click on the link for FanFiction. It will bring you to my profile and you can find my stories on it.
